ocr: CD-ROM SECTOR FORMAT One CD Frame 1588 bits) Sync Subcode Packing 12 data 4 correction error: 12 data 4 correction error byte bytes byles bytes byles (27bitsl (14bits) (3bits) (204bis) (68bits) (204 bits) 168bits) (Notio sccle) 12x14-bit bytes +12: x 3-bit packing 2041 bits Sector d# i block 98 rames 0f588 bits per frame Pecking"is 3 bits addedbatween14-bitwords to remove: resiqual D.C. FIGURE 2: A CCROM wack is subdivided into a series of sectors, or biocks, that are readato consiant speed. Each block contains 98 frames in which 33 bytes (24 data bytes, eight eror corection byles, ond one sub ...